Over the past few years, there have been some fun images popping up that are in some way ‘Iron-Cow’ fan art, for lack of a better term.
Presented here are a few of the images I was able to obtain. If anyone would like to create their own ‘Iron-Cow’ imagery, just email it to me and I’d be happy to host it.
Thanks again!
“Elseworlds Iron-Cow ” ( evanjones1 )
This piece was another fantastic surprise by young customizer evanjones1. The folks over at the Toy Soup Forums recently held a “Create My Custom” contest, where customizers were asked to create custom figures based of the online handles and personas of real forum members. Evanjones1 chose to make an Elseworlds version of Iron-Cow for the project.
Evan really combined all my favorite elements about the character, and the figure is ridiculously fun in person. I absolutely love it! The funny part is, back in junior high, I had even designed a medieval version of ol I-C that’s really quite similar to what Evan came up with!
Thanks again, Evan!
“Wrath of the Iron-Cow ” ( evanjones1 )
This piece was a fantastic surprise. Young customizer evanjones1 has been impressing me with his creative customs ever since he began posting them over in Iron-Cow Prod. Forums. He’s got a sense of energy and creativity that’s great to observe in each new custom he unveils.
Recently, he sent me this piece of fan-art, which totally perked me up during a stress-filled weekend (gotta love those last minute deadlines!) Here’s what he had to say about the piece:
“I made this pic on a program called TuxPaint; I’m not sure if it will come through, so let me know if you get it. I used geometric shapes and line to make it. I’m also planning on doing a similar one for Rusty. You know, the half brother. Anyway, it’s called “Wrath of the Iron-Cow.”
Thanks again, Evan!
“A Stripe is a Line” ( DJ Moule )
French musician DJ Moule recently used (unauthorized) Iron-Cow Prod. artwork for one of his CD releases. After contacting him, though, we worked out an arrangement to let him use the work while crediting me as well. I’m glad it all worked out… really like how his cover turned out!
“Love for the Cow” by Christopher (aka Sidewinder)
In June of 2005, the new Iron-Cow Prod. forums launched. As an added incentive for people to switch over to the new digs, I offered my Kelly Jones-inspired MR. FREEZE custom to one lucky registered member.
Christopher (aka Sidewinder) had posted this in the CONTEST THREAD, and here’s what he had to say:“I’m really hoping that I win. I would love to add an IronCow original to my Batman shelf. Here’s a little something to show my love for IronCow (just give it a second, there’s a short message at the end) I had planned something much more elaborate, but between preparing for a Vacation Bible School and getting things together for my annual fan-boy trip to HeroesCon, I just didn’t have time.”
Hey, it looks great to me, Christopher! Thanks again for the cool entry!
“Batman: Rogues Gallery” by Stephen Morrissey (aka Anubis8)
More recently, my good buddy Steve presented me with the Batman Rogues Gallery artwork. Again, this came completely unexpected, and I still can’t stop staring at the piece!
“Iron-Cow: Master of Plastic” by Chris Franklin (aka Earth-2 Robin)
Quite awhile back, Chris sent me the “Iron-Cow: Master of Plastic” artwork. My jaw totally dropped when I received it in the mail. I had no idea he had sketched this for me, and I was grinning ear to ear for weeks after receiving it.This took me *completely* by surprise and totally made my day.
Thanks again, Chris!
“Angst Penguin” by Will aka Gnawhyde
I’ve known Will (aka Gnawhyde) for a few years now. We started off exchanging emails about the custom action figures, but the conversation quickly shifted to all things art-related. Will’s an incredible guy and never ceases to amaze me with his insight and generosity.In December of 2004 I received this artwork and email from him:”Remember a few years back when I asked you for some alternative head shots of your Angst Penguin custom? Well, here’s the payoff: I painted a picture for you not just of Penguin, but of YOUR Penguin custom. I want to give this to you as a gift for all the advice and good conversation you’ve given me. Since it’s December, we’ll just call it an X-mas thing too.”This took me *completely* by surprise and totally made my day.
Thanks again, Will!
“Iron-Cow Action Figure” by Tommy aka therewasme
One of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet on the toy boards is Tommy, aka therewasme. He and I started talking back in the spring of 2003, I think, and he’s quickly grown to someone I’d consider a friend. As a thank you present, he sent me his custom built original Iron-Cow action figure as a holiday present. I couldn’t believe it when I opened the package to find ol’ I-C immortalized in plastic. I’d been trying to make one myself off and on for a few years, but Tommy nailed it.
The figure is now one of the pride and joys of my collection. Thanks again, Tommy!
“Mrs. Hyrax” by Jason Geyer aka Toy Otter
To be honest, I’m not sure exactly the reasoning why Toy Otter created this image, except that it popped up on one of the toy forums. It’s a piece designed to show off the wife of the Hyrax, Toy Otter’s Online Heroes alter ego.
“Ferrous Bovine’s Day Off” by Terry aka Monkey Pops
This image totally cracked me up when Monkey Pops sent it my way. There was this thread on RTM’s Toybuzz where I posted as Ferrous-Bovine (a variation of Iron-Cow). My buddy Gene Lantern followed up with a comment about the ‘great’ movie ‘Ferrous Bovine’s Day Off’. Terry happened to see this post and it inspired him to create this image as a token of appreciation for me.Trust me, Terry. It came at the perfect time and brings a smile to my face every time I see it.
Thanks again, Terry!
“Random Mattel Iron-Cow Variant Action Figure” by Del
Another creation inspired by an online post, Del whipped this up as a tribute to ol’ I-C, and as a commentary on the amount of ridiculous variants a character can sometimes receive when given the plastic treatment.
Hey, it wouldn’t matter to me. Mattel and Hasbro could make a million Iron-Cow variants and chances are I’d gobble them all up.
Thanks again, Del!