Growing up, I always wanted an action figure of Luke wearing his yellow jacket from the closing scene of the original Star Wars. Even though the look came to be known as “Ceremonial Luke,” it was for me the outfit Luke continued to wear in all of his adventures after the original Star Wars. I’ve always had a soft spot for that outfit, so I knew I wanted a vintage version of it on my toy shelf some day.
I began by taking a Vintage Star Wars Bespin Han Solo and soaking the figure in a cup filled with near-boiling water. This softened up the plastic enough for me to pop off the original head and replace it with one from a Bespin Luke Skywalker. I then carefully sanded down the details on Han’s jacket, and used Magic Sculpt to resculpt all the remaining detailing. The medal came from a Power of the Force 2 Ceremonial Luke while the blue lightsaber was a reproduction part I purchased off eBay.
Unfortunately, the white primer got a little spritzy when I sprayed, so Luke has a fine texturing all over his jacket. That was a bit hard to touch up, and he looks a bit rough in these photographs, but he still looks pretty good on the display shelf.
Created Fall 2013