People who complain that all hip-hop sounds the same have never listened to OutKast, who’ve given hip-hop a new language of flamboyance and ambition. This Grammy award-winning duo, comprised of artists Big Boi and Andre 3000, have opened the doors to a whole world of fans. Now Iron-Cow Prod. is happy to present the first of a series of OutKast Minimates. Look for more fun fashions in the near future.
Perhaps the most involved of the ICP Minimates is the OutKast set. Andre 3000’s hat was created using a combination of MagicSculpt and styrene. MagicSculpt was also used to create the hair accessories for both of these figures. Certain fashion elements were created using clear vinyl, and while Big Boi’s torso features a digital plaid print, the rest is hand painted to match. You haven’t lived until you’ve hand-painted plaid. Really.
Created Fall 2003
Winner – CUSTOM OF THE YEAR 2004: Best Block Figure