Out of all the Batman stories out there, I find myself rereading Frank Miller’s “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” at least once a year. It is one of those stories that has held up remarkably well, and every time I go back I’ll come away with something I hadn’t noticed before. For me, it is a truly classic, timeless story.
The Frank Miller Batman custom uses a Ripped & Ruthless Undertaker figure as a base. The surface details were sanded smooth and elements such as the gloves, belt and boots were created using Super Sculpy. The head itself is an original sculpt using Sculpy as well. The cape comes from a Beta Ray Bill 6″ figure and is dramatic enough to match Miller’s artwork.
I believe the Frank Miller Batman custom was my first attempt to emulate a particular artist’s style. What started out as an indulgence has turned into an obsession. I have since tried to emulate several more Batman artists, but this is the one where it all began.
Created December 1998