Perhaps the most haunting images from Frank Miller’s “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns” is the Jason Todd Robin Memorial. This design had a lasting impact on me as a child, and I still find it spooky to this day. Anyway, the Jason Todd Robin Memorial uses a Warriors of Virtue figure as a base, but has been almost entirely reworked using Super Sculpy. Perhaps the only element remaining from the original figure is the character’s cape. Plastic styrene is used for the belt and buckles. The mask and boots were crafted from Kneadatite.
Though it doesn’t show up too well in the photos, the Memorial is mounted on a working lamp. The light from the base shines upward, illuminating the figure in a very solemn light. To add to the effect, a support rod is inserted from the rear of the piece and run into the back of the costume. This gives the appearance that the costume is actually floating.
Though it is essentially a prop and not a figure, the Robin Memorial adds a degree of mood to the Miller customs that no other custom can.
Created Spring 2000