NEW YORK COMIC CON opens to the public Friday, April 18, and Iron-Cow Prod. will be there!

If you’re going to the show, be sure to drop by the MINIMATES PANEL. Join Diamond Select Toys’ Director Chuck Terceira, Project Manager Robert Yee and Graphic Designers Uriel and Matt ‘Iron-Cow’ Cauley for a glimpse of what’s to come for the number one block figures in the world! Ask your questions, make your requests and get a sneak peek at future Minimate designs in the process! This all-star panel will be held on Friday, April 18th at 7:00pm in room 1E03 during this year’s New York Comic Con.

Even if you don’t make the panel, keep you eyes peeled for perhaps the tallest guy there, sporting pinstripes and short spikey hair. I’ll be in attendance all day covering the event for Action Figure Insider. Be sure to say hi!

Hope to see you all there!


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