Over the course of 2005-2008, I assisted Art Asylum, designing production control art for various projects, most notably their Minimates line. This involved turnaround views for every part of the figure that was to be included in the final product, along with any surface artwork that needed to be applied.
Even though the initial project called for a traditional Cylon Centurion, we knew right from the start that a Gold “Command” repaint was all but a given. To my surprise, the initial launch featured not only the Cylon Centurion and the Cylon Command Centurion, but three additional paint variants that were handled by a different designer. To me, I was happy to be working on a line right out of my childhood nostalgia. What I didn’t expect was quite how popular the Cylon Minimates would be when they were first released. Every store I went to had sold out immediately. Luckily, the figures were eventually rereleased in the Battlestar Galactica Cylon Empire Boxed Set, coincidentally featuring even more Minimates I was fortunate to work on.
While the photos shown here on the site represent the finished figure, it should be noted that I contributed the control art only. As with all of the Minimate projects, there were many talented people involved: production managers, sculptors, other designers… This figure was very much a team effort, and the finished product reflects the contributions of many individuals.
Released 12/20/2006
Featured in TOYFARE MAGAZINE, Issue #105, May 2006 and TOYFARE MAGAZINE, Issue #127, March 2008.