Though I wasn’t even alive when the Cybermen first appeared in Doctor Who, I have always been fascinated with how they evolved over the years. There is something about the initial design that even though it reeks of being low budget is also very nightmarish. The Cybermen never looked like your standard robots to me; they look like hospital escapees. Wild experiments gone awry. But anyway…
The Mark I Cyberman started off as a McFarlane Kaneda Anime figure. The jacket was removed and the torso built up again using Kneadatite. This was also used to fill in the gaps on the arms, extending the sleeves. The head uses newly sculpted element while the chest piece is an assemblage of assorted parts.
This custom came together rather slowly. Luckily I was on deadline for Custom Con and that helped motivate me to finish the figure. Though this custom is of a version of the Cybermen I never experienced growing up, I think it looks great on the shelf.
Created Spring 2002
Featured in CustomCon 6