Agent J.J. Walker is a fictitious character played by actor Joshua Gomez, whom you may have seen in several recent IBM and Taco Bell commercials (oh, and of course, NBC’s CHUCK!). I work with his then-girlfriend Searra, and she commissioned me to make an action figure of him for his birthday present. Of course, I’m always one to obsess, so I convinced her to go all out and let me make the package art as well.
Her concept was basically that Josh is a fairly small guy in life, but likes to act tough. There’s more to it than that, but she’d kill me if I reveal too much. Anyway, after a series of designs, we decided that a Maximum Sweat wrestling figure would work for the chest and arms, while a Scott Evil figure would donate his head and pants.
I overhauled the parts using Kneadatite to present a more accurate likeness and provide J.J. with the appropriate attire. Other figures that appeared on the back of the package include Jaques LeCreep (J.J.’s yuppie rival), Yvette LeCreep, Club Action Jaques and Dolphin Gym J.J. (with hyper sweating action).
Agent J.J. Walker is definitely one of the more bizarre customs I’ve ever made, but the look on his face was totally worth it.
You’ll note he was bought from the clearance bins.
Created Fall 2000