Behind every great man, there’s a better…uh, butler! For the longest time, I have wanted to make a custom Alfred figure. It took me ages to find an appropriate base figure. As it turns out, the Professor X figure from the X-Men movie line works pretty well. His arms needed to be heavily reworked and the legs modified, but this wasn’t a lot of effort.
I sanded smooth the sleeves on the Professor’s suit and rebuilt the arms with Kneadatite. The legs needed to be reinforced with superglue. I did this by adding drops of superglue to the joint areas. I kept moving the legs back and forth as it dried. This helped prevent the legs from locking up, and at the same time it helps stiffen the joints enough for the figure to hold its pose.
Overall, Alfred’s posture is a bit stiff, but it certainly suits the character well. Next up, Alfred in a tux!
Created Summer 2000
Featured in Lee’s Action Figure and Toy Review, Issue #100