It’s funny: not all that long ago, I didn’t even know anything about the Atom Smasher character. Even now, I’m not all THAT familiar with him, other than he looks neat and grows tall. Sometimes, though, even THAT is enough to justify making a custom.
For the Atom Smasher project, I began by reworking a 10″ scale Justice League Superman. Superman’s cape was removed and then I went to work sanding down the belt and chest emblem. This left the surface a bit rough, but it was easily corrected as I smoothed over the surface with a layer of Magic Sculpt. This also helped fill in the seams along the top of the boots. Using the old Airmax “rubberband technique,” I sliced apart various-sized rubberbands, gluing them directly to the surface to create the costume details. Finally, the headsculpt was created with Magic Sculpt and the rest is simply paint.
After the repeated requests from my buddy Steve (Anubis8), I decided to add Atom Smasher to the list of customs to make. I’m soooooo glad Steve stuck with the motivation, as I’m loving how Atom Smasher turned out. Thanks again, Steve!
Created Summer 2005