Man, where to begin? The Gotham by Gaslight one-shot has a great personal significance for me. Years and years ago I actually ran into Mike Mignola at a comic convention before he was too well known. He showed me the un-inked pencil layout for the cover to Gotham by Gaslight, a Batman project he was working on. I was very excited at the time, partially because I was such a Batman fan, but mainly because I got him to begrudgingly sign my copies of his ‘Rocket Raccoon’ mini-series. Woo-hoo! He looked a little embarrassed, actually.
Anywho, I began work on the Gotham by Gaslight Batman custom a few years ago, but somehow I kept putting him off. I finally decided to do some spring-cleaning and wrap up a lot of the unfinished customs I had lying about. I came across the partially finished Batman, so out from storage he came.
Remember that Master vampire figure from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer line? That serves as the base for Gaslight Bats (the same as my Angst Rocketeer custom). The head is a retooled DC Direct Hal Jordon, with a random Zorro figure donating his gloves. Now if I could only figure out how to do that Jacob Packer / Jack the Ripper custom. Maybe it’s time to redo the McFarlane Face of Evil Ripper…
Created Summer 2002
Featured in Lee’s Action Figure and Toy Review, Issue #121