Not quite the goofiest outfit on the show, but still a cool character, Black Vulcan helps complete the Super Friends line-up. For what seemed a simple project, he actually proved one of the most difficult. I originally began adapting a Space Ghost figure, hoping the beefier sculpt would help set him apart from the other Super Friends. Unfortunately, it looked just too goofy, so I tried a Gil Kane Green Lantern figure. Again, while a nice idea, it was just… wrong.
Ultimately, I settled on reworking a DC Direct Flash figure. The boot details were created with Magic Sculpt, while the head is reworked from a DC Direct John Stewart figure.
It’s not quite on-model, but it’s not too far off either. Still, I’d like to tweak this figure down the road to make it a bit more accurate.
Created Spring 2009
Featured in CustomCon 22