I must admit that I have never been the biggest fan of Captain Atom. His costume seemed a bit goofy to me, and honestly every custom I had seen of him looked like a repaint of a Superman action figure. I never quite got the appeal…that is, until I was asked to submit a Captain Atom custom for Toy Otter’s Super Powers Find article. Now I’m a convert (the well-written character on Justice League Unlimited also helped).
To make my custom animated version, I began by removing the head from a JLU Starman figure. I replaced the head with one from a Red Tornado animated figure. Using Magic Sculpt, I built the features necessary for Captain Atom. The rest is simply paint. Unfortunately, once he was painted, I wasn’t crazy about the headsculpt. I had seen some customs that used a regular Superman head, but this always struck me as stumpy and a little *too* recognizable as Superman. And yet, I ended up going with one myself. By transplanting a Superman head onto the Red Tornado neck, it eliminates the stumpy-neck issue. I then sanded down quite a bit of the cheeks and hairline to rebuild the features properly.
Of course, now there’s a Justice League Unlimited Waverider figure that has the possibility for an even better likeness, but I’m happy with this version – for now! Though Captain Atom turned out to be a fairly simple custom, I am pleased with how he turned out. It’s been awhile since I made an Animated-style custom, and it feels good to do so once again.
Created Summer 2005