Firefly was somewhat of a happy accident. I had purchased a ‘Beetle’ figure from the Spider-Man line some time back with the intent on making it into a Batman variant. Ultimately, though, I felt the figure was overly cartoony for what I wanted. Into the Parts Box he went! Well, that is until the name Firefly got added to my To-Do list. It seems such an obvious choice in hindsight. I had just reread Batman: Knightfall and the appearance of Firefly in that story inspired me to make my own version.
Anyway, the belt and harness are sculpted from Super Sculpy. Firefly’s wings came from the LOTDK Lava Fury Batman figure. They’re not exactly on-model with his comic book counterpart, but I felt they were close enough to acceptable.
The only problem is the Firefly custom tends to fall backwards a lot on the shelf. Aside from that though, I’m surprised how much I like the figure.
Created Fall 1998