The International Toy Fair is almost upon us, and Iron-Cow Prod. will be there. Press coverage is starting to pour in and ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY has a First Look of the show, featuring the ICP-designed Cylon Minimate! Click the photo above to read the full article.
If you happen to be in town for the show, be sure to visit both the Diamond Select /Art Asylum as well as the DC Direct showrooms to see the latest batch of Minimates on display. ICP helped design control art for the DC Comics and Battlestar Galactica lines, as well as pitching in on the Rocky and various Marvel lines. Look for a few additional surprises to be announced after the start of the show.
For the latest coverage on TOY FAIR 2007, be sure to head over to Millionaire Playboy! ICP will be assiting with the photography duties, so you won’t want to miss it.
Thanks again! I hope everyone is doing well.