Jean Grey was one of the first X-Men Evolution customs I constructed, and remains one of my favorites. More or less. She is almost entirely an X-Evo Storm figure, even down to the hair. The arms and feet came from a McFarlane Shrek Princess Fiona figure, which have a similar “animated” feel to them. These were added on using Superglue to hold them in place. Kneadatite was then used to blend the seams and also to modify the shape of the hair. Other than that, the rest is mostly paint effects.
Speaking of, I actually did not handle to painting tasks for this figure. That was the work of fellow customizer Casimir of Inanimate Objects fame. Back when he and I were still a customizing duo, he felt frustration with the pair of X-Evo customs he had worked on, and I had no interest in taking on the whole roster of those characters remaining. Ultimately, we decided to experiment by splitting the chores. I would sculpt the customs and he would handle the painting duties, particularly since he was better at the Animated style of painting than I.
It actually saved a lot of effort for both of us in the end, although in the end we only managed to work through 2 characters before getting distracted with other projects. In hindsight, though, I appreciate his efforts far more now than I did then, especially the motivation he gave me to keep going with the rest of the X-Men Evolution line-up.
Created Summer 2003