As Detectives Mills and Somerset return to police headquarters, they are confronted in the lobby by a man whose hands and shirt are covered in blood from three sources: his own, from the continual cutting off of his finger tips; a model who became the victim of the “PRIDE” killing; and an as yet unidentified victim. This man is soon confirmed to be “John Doe”. The Police Captain describes Doe as “independently wealthy, well-educated and totally insane,” but when Somerset tries to tease any personal information out him, Doe claims that who he is “doesn’t matter.” Doe has created a completely blank identity for himself; there are no clues to his real identity in his apartment, his bank account was started with cash and he has no employment records. Doe is revolted by the self-glorification of a sinful world. He believes, that the human race in the divine scheme of things is a pathetic shadow of what we could have been, if we had not Fallen.
John Doe is a reworked NECA Shaun of the Dead action figure. The hands were replaced with those from a Star Trek Nemesis Data figure, I believe, while the head is scaled down from a Superman Returns Lex Luthor minibust. Magic Sculpt was used to create the finger bandages as well as the new collar on the shirt.
Granted, the “Prisoner Outfit” John doe had a lot more screen time, but I felt that the bloodied street clothes had a better visual impact as a toy.
Special thanks to LITTLE PLASTICMEN for the help with the Lex bust!
Created Summer 2007
Also featured in CustomCon 17