Lord Ben and Regi-Gon

Every so often I’ll get a request to do a custom of a ‘real life’ person. Usually I’m not a fan of these requests because most people just don’t fully understand how many hours go into the creation of our customs. That said, I got talked into making the Lord Ben and Regi-Gon set.
Turns out, the person requesting the custom already had a custom of himself from the previous year: Aaron Goldman. Click on his entry to the right for pics of that custom. Anyway, Ben is Aaron’s brother, and apparently Ben is a fan of both the Simpsons custom I made and the game Tekken. Seems like a perfect gift, huh?
Anyway, the figure itself is based on a DC Direct Max Mercury figure. The head is a casting of the DCD Hawkman head, I believe. Regi-Gon was created from the Toy Story Ham figure, with some additional detailing from a Jurassic Park hatchling dino-baby. Little bits of vinyl and Kneadatite here and there complete the figure.
Created Spring 2003