There are 2 products I use religiously for my customs (and whenever I do sculpture in general): Kneadatite and MagicSculpt.
As far as Super Sculpey is concerned, I have found it necessary to move away from this product. It requires baking, which can damage your custom, and it is more brittle than Magic Sculpt and Kneadatite. Plus, you really do not want to be heating that stuff up in the same over in which you’re cooking your food.
With that in mind, let’s discuss the benefits of Kneadatite and Magic Sculpt
Kneadatite is *great* for building up mass or filling in holes, adhering various parts together or working in *tiny* amounts, but it gets super-tacky when you’re working with it, almost like working with 15 sticks of chewing gum.
Or at least that’s how it feels. But, if you’ve got the torso of one figure and the legs of another, use a blob of kneadatite and smush the parts together and it’ll hold them in place great.
Magic Sculpt
Basically, once I get the Kneadatite work done, I’ll go back in and finish with MagicSculpt. This stuff is great for fine details. It’s got a clay-type of feel to it. MagicSculpt goes on super-smooth and you can wet it a bit to cover over seams and such. For tiny details, it gets a little tricky, since it doesn’t want to adhere quite as easily as Kneadatite, but both of these have their pros and cons.
The benefits are basically both of these cure without any baking required. Once hardened, you can sand them, paint them, etc and the final surface texture usually blends in nicely with manufactured plastic.
For both, though, only work with a tiny amount at a time. I usually mix together a batch roughly the size of an acorn and go from there. Also, *always* wear disposable latex gloves when working with this stuff. I don’t think these materials are toxic, but mainly it’s just easier to work with. Dip your fingers in some water when working with the materials, and that will ensure it sticks to the figure, and not to your hands.
Be sure to work in stages. Do as much work as you can, then let it sit for a few hours. Come back again and more detail on top. The great benefit of these products is that it allows you the flexibility to keep adding onto it. (I mean, once it dries, it’s permanent and cannot be reworked, but you can get some rough work done, let it cure, then go back in for the finishing touches).
Kneadatite can be ordered at: Polymeric Systems
MagicSculpt can be ordered at: The Compleat Scuptor
Hope this will help!