BRIEF: Produce a brochure and other printed materials for the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center International Fine Art and Antique Dealers Show.
DETAILS: Each year as part of a fund raiser, the MSKCC hosts an antique auction. The organization supplied the photo seen on the cover of the brochure, which guided the rest of the design work. Every material, from the notecards to the envelopes, was custom designed and printed. The gala was a success and the materials well-received by the client.
While the photos shown here on the site represent the finished product, it should be noted that I contributed the design work only. As with most design-related projects, there were many talented people involved: production managers, copywriters, photographers and input from fellow designers… This project is very much a team effort, and the finished design reflects the contributions of many individuals.
Shown here for portfolio purposes only.