I had actually avoided the Rebel Fleet Trooper project for awhile. I had seen a few versions online that essentially looked like repaints of the Death Star Trooper, and I could never get around the very-recognizable base parts. Still, I decided to give it a shot myself and see if I could take a modern-era helmet and work it into a more vintage feel.
I began by reworking a vintage Star Wars Han Solo (In Trench Coat) figure. The original head was removed, and the neck area sanded down. I actually hollowed out the upper torso of a modern Rebel Fleet Trooper to transplant its collar onto the custom figure. Laborious? Very! I simply didn’t feel like sculpting it. Anyway, the head is a reworked Hoth Rebel Trooper with the Fleet Trooper helmet attached on top. I used Magic Sculpt epoxy to fill in most of the inner helmet to help fit in more closely with the vintage style. The rest is just a minor reworking of the belt and painting up the figure.
Not bad! I may eventually adapt this recipe into a Captain Antilles figure, but I ran short on time. Perhaps down the road…
Created Fall 2013