Who knew that Don Knots was an evil space alien? Anyway, you just can’t have a Green Lantern without a Sinestro to fight, so there ya go.
Sinestro uses the LOTDK Batman figure that came with the SkyWing Street Bike. This was modified slightly to eliminate the molded Bat-symbols all over the body of the original figure. For Sinestro’s head, the choice was fairly obvious: I used a repainted Leader head from the Hulk line. The extra-large cranium worked out well for the project.
From start to finish, this is probably the fastest custom I ever made. I woke up one morning with the idea, and by that afternoon he was done. It is fairly stylized, but at the time that reflected my perspective on a lot of the core DC characters. And really, I was just happy to find a use for the leftover figure.
Created Spring 2000