BRIEF: In conjunction with the BOB Holiday Program, develop a series of illustrations and style guide to be used by employees globally for the 2006 philanthropy campaign.
DETAILS: The concept behind the 2006 philanthropy campaign was that everyone can be a hero in their own way, if only they volunteer. The purpose was to encourage employees to take part in charitable functions globally, donating their time and resources. The visuals should reflect a comic book / super-hero theme, and be fun in overall tone.
In previous years, the BOB character had been a bit plumper, and less dynamic visually. I streamlined the overall design, and began adding in the usual comic book elements. A style guide was created and distributed to employees in the creative services group for use in the massive amount of marketing materials that would be needed at every office, every event, and in numerous electronic communications. While certain projects featured here, such as the postcards and giftwrap, were the creation of a fellow designer, it is my character artwork and overall direction that was used throughout the campaign.
While the photos shown here on the site represent the finished product, it should be noted that I contributed the design work only. As with most design-related projects, there were many talented people involved: production managers, copywriters, photographers and input from fellow designers… This project is very much a team effort, and the finished design reflects the contributions of many individuals.
Shown here for portfolio purposes only.
Additional Styleguide Elements:
SuperBOB poster and installation designs:
SuperBOB Promotional Items:
SuperBOB in action!