The following except is taken from Toy Otter’s Super Powers Find: Supergirl has been mentioned for the line as far back as the original pitch to Kenner to grab the license, when a mock-up of her was made using one of the “Glamour Gals” figures. Sadly, she never made it into the line, although she even appeared on a mock-up of art for a shelf display. Many Supergirl’s would later be made, but this one would have had special significance, being released a year after she “died” in the comics, during the “Crisis on Infinite Earths” mini-series.
The Supergirl custom began as a Super Powers Wonder Woman figure. I removed her arms just below the shoulder. This allowed me better access to sand smooth the surface details. I then rebuilt the belt using a rubber band and clear vinyl for the buckles. The arms actually came from a vintage Star Wars Lando Calrissean figure. Believe me, I felt some major guilt slicing him up. Finally, Magic Sculpt was used to smooth the seams and build up other surface details
Though she’s the “girl of steel”, the Supergirl custom retains the original defensive block action feature from the original Super Powers Wonder Woman figure.
Oddly enough, Scot of Scooter’s Custom Works has his own version with shockingly similar recipe to mine, only his custom was produced nearly 20 years prior! I hadn’t seen these until recently, so it’s definitely a crazy coincidence. I just didn’t want you to think I wasn’t giving him credit if you thought I borrowed his recipe. Anyway, drop on by his site and be sure to check out his amazing EXTRA POWERS collection. There are so many FANTASTIC Super Powers customs you’re bound to be inspired. Tell him Iron-Cow sent ya!
Created Summer 2004
Featured in BACK ISSUE! #30