This custom is a reworking of the DC Direct Super Friends Superman figure. I began by removing the figure’s arms and sanding down the side of the torso. This allows the arms to come in closer to the figure. I then removed the original cape and replaced it with a better fitting cape from a DC Direct Golden Age Green Lantern. The sculpted chest emblem needed to be sanded down to remove the detail, and a new emblem was created digitally and applied with decoupage medium. A new, more accurate coat of paint completes the job.
Initially, I had wanted to add in articulation to the shoulder to allow Superman to put his hands on his hips. The added articulation distracted from the smooth lines of the animated-style sculpt, so I went back to the original arms. The headsculpt could still use some work, but overall I’m pretty happy with how he turned out.
Created Spring 2009
Featured in CustomCon 22