Although I am pretty happy with my previous Talia custom, I always felt she was a bit out of scale with most DC Direct figures. And even though I feel she’s still a solid custom, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I wanted to make a piece that was more involved than a simple headswap and repaint.
This second version of Talia is based on her “Bond Girl” look from the BATMAN: SON OF THE DEMON graphic novel. To help give Talia the proper shape, I decided to use a mixture of Danger Girl parts. Her torso and upper arms came from a Sydney Savage figure while her legs and gloves were taken from an Abbey Chase piece. I used a power saw and sliced the arms and legs apart in a few places, and then re-glued them back into position. This essentially removed 1/16″ of height each time I sliced the figure, so I was able to gradually reduce her overall height. The upside of this is a better proportioned figure overall. Talia still stands maybe 1/4″ too tall for my tastes, but she’s about as close as she’s going to get. Anyway, the remaining details were reworked using Magic Sculpt.
If you haven’t read BATMAN: SON OF THE DEMON, I highly recommend it. The story is classic Batman and the artwork by Jerry Bingham is nothing short of amazing. I remember reading it as a child and being blown away. It still holds up, even after all these years.
Created Spring 2005