While working on my customs for Toy Otter’s Super Powers Find article, I frequently met with my buddy Gene for advice. He’s an expert on the DC Universe, and happens to run the DC Action Figures Group over on Yahoo! If you have a chance, you might want to check it out.
During the course of our discussions, Gene showed me a batch of his own Super Powers customs, made some 15 years earlier. One figure I liked in particular was Gene’s custom of the Atom. Just as with the Captain Atom custom, I asked Gene if I could borrow his recipe and make my own.
Mine actually differs somewhat, though. While Gene used a Super Powers Flash as a base figure, I opted for a Green Lantern instead. Though the Flash head is perfect for the Atom, I felt the body was a bit too specific to Flash and would make the figure seem too much like a repaint. Luckily I has a spare Green Lantern lying around, so it was easy to give him a headswap.
Thanks again to The Gene Lantern for his recipe and inspiration!
Oddly enough, Scot of Scooter’s Custom Works has his own version with shockingly similar recipe to mine, only his custom was produced nearly 20 years prior! I hadn’t seen these until recently, so it’s definitely a crazy coincidence. I just didn’t want you to think I wasn’t giving him credit if you thought I borrowed his recipe. Anyway, drop on by his site and be sure to check out his amazing EXTRA POWERS collection. There are so many FANTASTIC Super Powers customs you’re bound to be inspired. Tell him Iron-Cow sent ya!
Created Summer 2004
Featured in CustomCon 11