The custom Eighth Doctor, as played by Paul McGann, is a heavily reworked McFarlane Movie Maniacs Candyman figure. As with nearly all the other custom Doctors, the Eighth Doctor also has an abandoned first sculpt. Luckily this was recycled into the Romana II custom. Yeah, even I think that sounds a bit weird…
Anyway, to start off, I removed Candyman’s coat and completely rebuilt the chest area. That meant Dremeling away at the exposed organs and constructing a vest/tie combo out of Kneadatite and clear vinyl. Clear vinyl served for the new lapels as well. The head is a reworked Movie Maniacs Crow figure with hair created from Kneadatite. Though the pose worked for Candyman, it didn’t do so well for the Doctor. I therefore added elbow articulation to the right arm. This allows the arm to be brought in closer to the body.
All in all I’m pleased with the Doc. He’s not perfect, and is a bit bulkier than I should like, but I felt this was a better base to proceed with. Shaft began to get a bit overused and rather than make the line feel repetitious. I think this custom now adds some variety to the group.
Created Spring 2002
Featured in CustomCon 6