Coming out of a decade of retirement, the Frank Miller Joker finds himself making up for lost time with his homicidal assault on Gotham City. Frank Miller’s version of the character is downright frightening.
The Frank Miller Joker custom uses a reworked Laughing Gas Joker from the Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight line. It might not have been the best choice for a base, but at the time I created the custom there weren’t too many resources available for the 6″ scale. Joker’s headsculpt is an original sculpt that might have been created a little too small. This is one of those customs I kept meaning to rework, but never got around to it.
This is also true of the three in progress ‘Baby Bomb’ customs. These were started around the same time as Joker and have remained unfinished to this day. Sooner or later I’ll finish them off, right?
Created Spring 2000
Featured in Lee’s Action Figure and Toy Review, Issue #92