Along with the Blue Beetle and Captain Atom, The Question is the third of the Charlton characters DC Comics acquired the rights to awhile back. Due to certain licensing issues, though, it seems Mattel is not at liberty to manufacture an actual figure based on any of these characters. It’s unfortunate, as they would make a striking addition to their collection.
To make the Question custom, I began by removing the arms off of a Justice League Lex Luthor figure. Lex was a bit too broad across the chest, so I removed maybe 1/8″ of width from his torso and rebuilt the sides with Magic Sculpt. I then used a piece of clear vinyl to extend the jacket into more of a trenchcoat. Granted, I should have built another suit jacket on top of the vest, but… well… I forgot. Anyway, the head is a reworked Green Lantern head. To make the hat, I took the brim from a DC Direct Zatanna’s top hat. The rest is created with Magic Sculpt. The arms were then reattached and the rest is paint.
All in all, this custom came together incredibly fast, though it took me forever to actually paint the last stroke on him. I guess that’s what happens when you keep starting new projects before finishing up the pieces already begun.
Created Summer 2005