As with my customs of the Autons, the Sontarans are made from spare parts. They began originally as Newborn Lurtz figures I picked up for $1.90 at Toys R Us. They had mountains of Lurtzes, but I had no idea that Lurtz would have been useful as fodder. I grabbed them mainly because they were cheap.
A combination of clear vinyl and plastic styrene was used to create the leather seams. The arm pads and kneepads were created out of vinyl as well. Plumber’s epoxy formed the collar and the bottom half of a plastic Easter egg became the helmet. Since Lurtz has those ball and socket shoulder joints, he’s actually able to tuck the helmet under his arm and hold it in position.
I have to say, I’m very pleased with how these turned out. The original skin texture worked great as leather once it is painted.
Created Spring 2002
Featured in CustomCon 6