During the spring and summer of 2004, SubCultures Design teamed up with Art Asylum to offer the Create-A-Mate Design competition. This opened the doors for aspiring toy designers to create their own Minimate action figure. The public response to the competition was fantastic, and the winners will have their designs produced as actual figures in 2005.
My concept for the Squid really wasn’t much more than ‘free advertising’ for SubCultures design. At first the figure was simply nothing more than a generic guy wearing a SubCultures t-shirt, but the more I thought about it, the more I got inspired to go a bit further with him. That said, The Squid is a throwback to the pulp heroes of the 1930’s.
Creating the Squid was pretty straightforward, actually. The chest and face elements were created digitally and were applied with decoupage medium. The rest is paint. ‘Film grain’ is added to the body to spice up the design a bit and help push him a bit further into the Pulp aesthetic.
Created Fall 2004