The base figure for Two-Face came from a rather unexpected source: the Goat-Boy figure from the Saturday Night Live line. Who’d have thought? Anyway, Goat-Boy’s jacket had to be removed and trimmed to fit. Nearly 25% of the material was trimmed from the back to achieve that snug fit. Kneadatite was used to rebuild the collar and the hands were donated from an anonymous figure.
I never knew the name of the wrestling figure that donated the base for the headsculpt, but it looked to be a great Harvey Dent. A whole lot of dremeling and Kneadatite work later…
As with my Doctor Who customs, I think most of Two-Face’s success lies in the patterning of the clothes. The lines were all drawn by hand using a waterproof ink pen. It’s actually easier than it looks, and provides quite the sense of satisfaction once completed.
Created Summer 2002