Updated Thesis Paintings

Due to a lot of recent interest in my Dream Thesis paintings, I have decided to go back and update the entire section to include some much needed detail highlights of the work.

Just in case you missed them before, here is a little background information for you. For my Illustration Senior Thesis, I chose to illustrate specific scenes from a series of dreams I had recently experienced. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, perhaps it was all the stress of my studies; whatever the case, I found myself having extremely vivid, cinematic dreams and I wanted to illustrate these scenes as stillframes from a motion picture. Each painting was produced using acrylics on board in a 16:9 format.

Later this year, these works will be on display in an art gallery in Nashville, TN. Details for the show will be announced after all the specifics are worked out.

Anyway, enough of my yapping. You can check out the Dream Thesis Paintings by clicking HERE. There are lots of goodies in the ICP PAINTINGS section, so please have a look at some of the other sections once you’re done.

As always, I would appreciate any feedback you might have!


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